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Dog Portrait

Services & Pricing

A service for every dog, everywhere: Where every dog matters."

Board and Train

Please contact us directly to discuss board and train options and availability. 


Day Training 

Day Training

Day Training 

No owner is necessary I work with your dog 1:1 

My day training programs have gained immense popularity as a service cherished by both dogs and their human guardians. It provides a unique chance for your dog to acquire diverse skills, spanning from fundamental obedience to addressing complex issues like reactivity. Whether your goal is to establish a strong foundation in basic obedience or you seek a comprehensive behavioral transformation, we are enthusiastic about tailoring a training program designed for the specific needs of your dog and your family.  It's perfect for dog owners who desire a well-trained dog but prefer not to send their companion away to a training camp.

The details

  • Tailored specifically to cater to your dog's individual needs.

  • The 50-minute lesson requires no owner participation at the time of the session.

  • After each session, you will receive detailed review notes and access to helpful video tutorials.

  • On the days I am not working with your companion, the human guardian should expect to devote a small amount of time each day to training their dog.

  • Online booking is available for your convenience. 

  • We recommend scheduling sessions when signing up to keep your dog on a consistent training schedule and ensure you reserve a weekly training spot. 

Are you uncertain which package is best for you and your dog? Schedule a free phone consultation, and we will confidently guide you in the right direction.
Puppy Close Up

6 Sessions

1X Weekly 

 This package is excellent for puppies who may not have shots yet but whose owners would like to get them off to a great start, as well as adult dogs whose cues need a tune-up or a supplemental option for any of our training programs. It is not suitable for intensive behavior modification.

12 Sessions 

1-2 X Weekly 

I will visit your home 1-2 times weekly to work with your dog. This package is designed to teach/reinforce new behaviors in your home environment. This approach is ideal for behavior modifications such as loose leash walking and minor reactivity and is a supplemental option for our training programs.

16 Sessions
1-2 X Weekly 

Owner-free intensive. This is designed for severe behavior modification and counter-conditioning. It involves a complete training overhaul, exposure to new environments, and behavior modification in your home environment. It is for Reactive/ Aggressive cases.

Dog Walker


In our program, we take great care to tailor our curriculums to inspire confidence and cultivate a genuine love for learning in both our human and canine students. We approach training with a profound sense of purpose and intention, placing great value on the growth and well-being of every dog.


Puppy Training Programs
6 or 12 Sessions

About the programs:

With our puppy program, rest assured that you will gain the skills to confidently handle the challenges of raising a new puppy. We provide comprehensive guidance on proper socialization, care, potty training, chewing, and basic obedience commands. Our proven methods will help you raise a well-adjusted, resilient adult dog. By starting early and expanding your knowledge as a handler, you can safeguard your dog against long-term behavior issues and build a lasting foundation of trust with your canine companion.


Our six-session program teaches basic obedience cues and offers support with common puppy problems, such as jumping, potty training, and chewing. 




Our 12-session program builds on everything you and your pup learned in the first six weeks and reinforces the obedience cues, taking your training to a new level. As we transition your dog to training in the outside world, we will begin to add duration, distraction, and distance to your cues, growing confidence and connection in your pup as they mature. 




If your puppy has been showing behaviors like resource guarding, intense reactivity, or fearful tendencies for more than two weeks, please contact us before selecting a program. 




Questions? We offer free phone consultations. 


Dog at the Beach

Who this program is for:

New or soon-to-be puppy parents with a puppy six months or younger. 

Here's a glimpse of what you can anticipate learning.

  • ​​Loose Leash Walking 

  • Sit

  • Down

  • Recall

  • Positive Interruptor 

  • Place

  • Out (Drop-It)

  • Crate Training

  • Potty Training

  • Mealtime Etiquette

  • Doorway Etiquette

  • Socialization 

  • Bitining Inhibition

  • Proper Handling to desensitize your dog to vet/groomer visits 


​The details  


  • 60 Minute Sessions 

  • Online booking is available for your convenience. 

  • We meet once a week for the duration of the program. 

  • Weekly homework includes a training tracker.

  • In every session, you will be offered bonus material on a topic that supports your training.

  • Unlimited text support throughout your training. â€‹

I highly recommend Z Dog Training Academy! Heather is so in touch with the current training techniques. She has taught us (or should I say trained us) in knowing how to have a well-adjusted, well-socialized, good listening dog! Dottie, me, and my husband thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
~Daphne with Dottie~
Doodle bernedoodle Puppy Training Positive Reinforcement.jpg

Who this program is for:

Those who would like to enjoy the freedom of a well mannered dog.

Here's a glimpse of what you can anticipate learning.

  • Loose leash walking (eliminate pulling)

  • Intro Heel 

  • Sit

  • Down

  • Recall

  • Place

  • All cues taught with an implied stay 

  • Out (drop it)

  • Crate training

  • Mealtime etiquette

  • Doorway etiquette

  • Socialization

  • Basic understanding of dog body language


  • 60 Minute Sessions 

  • Online booking is available for your convenience. 

  • We meet once a week for the duration of the program. 

  • Weekly homework includes a training tracker.

  • In every session, you will be offered bonus material on a topic that supports your training.

  • Unlimited text support throughout your training. â€‹



Are you uncertain which package is best for you and your dog? Schedule a free phone consultation, and we will confidently guide you in the right direction.

The details

Obedience Training Programs
For dogs 6+ months  
6 or 12 Session Options

About the programs:

Establishing a strong bond with your canine companion is essential, and obedience training is crucial in achieving this. By dedicating time to obedience training, you will notice remarkable enhancements in your dog's behavior. Witness the delight in your dog's eyes as you prepare for each training session. This collaborative effort will not only boost your confidence but also contribute to your dog's overall growth as you work together as a team."



Our six-session program teaches basic obedience cues and offers insight into your dog's individuality; you will learn how to create a daily routine that supports and nurtures your newly taught skills. 






Our twelve-session program builds on everything you and your dog will learn in the first six weeks and reinforces the obedience cues, taking your training to a new level. We will add duration, distraction, and distance to your cues, growing confidence and connection with your dog. As we transition your dog to training in the outside world, you will enjoy the benefits of choosing a training method that nurtures a love for learning in your dog. You will walk away with lifelong skills and a relationship where your dog has learned that no matter what, you are the most important person in the room. All the while, we have spent weeks creating a routine and structure for you and your dog that's sustainable and tailored for a life of learning, love, and continued growth. 

Session options:

Behavior Modification
Cute Dog

Behavior Modification Programs 

About our Behavior Modification Programs:

We believe every dog is unique and tailor our programs to meet your and your dog's needs. Whether your dog is exhibiting aggression, resource guarding, reactivity, anxiety, or fear-based behaviors, we have the experience to help you overcome these obstacles. Our choice-based training style focuses on creating a solid foundation built on trust and communication, ultimately leading to a more confident dog excited to make good choices. Rehabilitating a dog who struggles with troublesome behavior is not a linear process, but it is profoundly rewarding, and we will be here to guide you and your dog as you learn and grow together.


Reactivity in dogs can be caused by a lack of socialization and training, genetic factors, trauma, or, more often, a combination. Even social dogs can become reactive if they have only been taught to greet in an overly excited manner. It is important to understand and honor your dog's genetics to prevent them from seeking outlets for their energy, which can lead to heightened sensitivity, frustration, and overarousal, to name a few. Both companion and working dogs can exhibit reactive behaviors such as barking, lunging, jumping, and biting when facing specific situations, indicating stress and anxiety. Reactive behavior in dogs is triggered by particular objects, beings, or situations, but it is possible to change these reactions to a calm, neutral, and even happy state of mind.

Reactivity and aggression are different, although they can look similar to dog guardians. Aggressive dogs show similar signs to reactive dogs but are determined to cause harm. Reactive dogs can be pushed into aggression; the longer the behavior goes without being addressed, the more likely it is to cross over into the threshold of aggression.

Fear can equally affect rescue dogs and those raised in loving homes from a young age. Canine fear and anxiety can stem from a lack of socialization and or traumatic events. We will help you identify your dog's triggers and build their confidence through gradual exposure, utilizing basic obedience, play, trust-building exercises, and clear guidance. By respecting your dog's tolerance levels and slowly reintroducing stimuli, we can help your canine companion become an obedient, confident dog free of fear. Let us assist you in helping your dog blossom into their best self. 


Who it's for: Dogs who are reactive to other dogs, people,objects, situations, etc

  • Fear-Based Dog/People/Object Reactivity

  • Frustration-based Dog/People/Object Reactivity

  • Barking, Lunging, Jumping, ETC

  • Fully Customized Training Program 


Who it's for:  Dogs who have bitten with the intent to harm. 

  • Obedience Training

  • Extensive Impulse Control Training

  • Counter Conditioning/Desensitization Exercises

  • Fully Customized Training Program 


Who it's for:  Dog's who are unsure about the world around them. They may cower, snap, growl or even bite out of fear.

  • Obedience Training

  • Counter Conditioning/Desensitization Exercises 

  • Confidence Building Exercises 

  • Fully Customized Training Program 



No pressure or obligation. :)

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